Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 17 - Reality knocking on my door

So this morning I got up and decided that I need to start heading south towards home before Cathy and the boys get used to me not being there and starting selling all of my stuff....home beckons.  It was tough leaving Alaska, now my favorite state I have visited.  It's also tough because now I have spend 6-7 days riding back to the US and most of my travel will be in Canada, back to kilometers, liters, Canadian money and strange hard to interpret road signs.  

It was hard to point Red Velvet south and eastern away from Alaska but we took off from Fairbanks with Tok as our first destination of 200 miles and then from there were only 90 miles to cross back into Canada.  I just rode and rode thinking of all the good times so far and hoping for a safe problem free return home.  At some point I ran into construction on this bridge and waited about 10 minutes for repairs.  The guy holding the sign told me the top of the bridge had been damaged by a truck carrying an escalator the day before.  They were replacing steel and bolts, while I was sitting on Red Velvet on the bridge.  They guy pointed out an osprey nest above me on the bridge.  It was huge, probably 3 or 4 feet across.

The views south on Rt. 2 were beautiful.

I stopped and had lunch at Fast Eddy's and it was okay, not the best but I did talk to Cathy here and caught up on the weekend events back home.
Not too long after this as I was approaching the Canadian border, this cloud appeared and seemed to be giving me a message.  Was it Alaska saying it is #1 or was it giving me the finger for leaving and going to Canada?  I think it was both.
Stopped and got gas just before entering Canada and I saw this rig.  Big rig pulling a Smart Car..
Then a helicopter landed about 75 feet away and made me eat more dust.  I thought it was the border patrol or DEA at first.  Turns out the gas station gives tours of glaciers with a fill up & an extra $250.  I tried to talk my way into a free ride, no dice.
i made it through Canadian customs and hit their fun curvy roads.  Also,rode on gravel about 50 miles straight again with huge potholes, just like in Columbus without the orange barrels.

The weather was awesome with temps from 67 to 87F.
I had the worst ham in cheese sandwich here, totally gross and I did not eat much at all and I eat anything.  Never stop here.
This scared me for a second, turns out it is made of plywood and eats very few Tim Horton donuts.
Just a perfect day.

So I decided to bed down in Haines Junction and I am in a small strange little motel for the night.  Tomorrow will be here soon!


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