Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 22 - Long day thru Montana & South Dakota

So I left Butte, MT without any Evel Knievel stuff, but I guess that is what Amazon and Ebay is we left and headed east on I94 instead of I90 to avoid all the Sturgis traffic and I prefer the northern route east.  It is kind of boring but I had plenty of time to think and reflect, which I need to do more often.  For the music followers I was all over the place today.  The Clash, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Who, The Rolling Sones Hank Williams Jr and Bob Dylan.  I heard some of it and some of it was just background noise for my thinking and reflection.  The great thing about today was no rain, it was nice to be dry for a day.  I did not take many pictures due to the heavy thinking taking place or actually, I just was not really into it today.  

I stopped at a roadside rest hoping to take a short nap laying in the shade until I saw this sign.  So I just napped on Red Velvet for 50 or so miles instead.
I almost ran out of gas on this road in Montana. I waited too long to make a stop and then had to baby Red Velvet 40 miles or so to the next gas station.  She is not getting very good mileage as I ride in the 80-90 mph range.  We were also into a strong head wind and often cross wind that was brutal. I got a headache from the turbulence of my helmet bouncing around in the wind.  I do love Montana though, it is extremely beautiful with its many different landscapes.  I would love to live here someday.

So anyway, I made it to Bismarck, ND and I still have about 1100 miles to go to get home.   iam feeling a bit of dread the last couple of days because it is pretty boring and because my adventure is ending soon. I wish Red Velvet had Warp speed and I could use it to get home now!  Cathy and the boys made it to Myrtle Beach safely and my mother-in-law Marge is taking care of Indy.  I hope to be home Monday and I know Indy will be happy to see me!

Goodnight friends.

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